January 25, 2007

Something about Montreal...

Why is it that most of my shoe dreams are set in Montreal? Well, where better for a sexy scene, I ask. I am afraid that in this blog I am going to inadvertently expose some of my deepest secrets.

R--, my colleague at work, has already told me what Jung would make of my shoe dreams, wherein I luxuriate in choice and delight in absurd footwear. I was reluctant to admit that my shoe dreams could be as hackneyed as he suggested, but I am not too proud to admit that my life is full of yearning.

I used to live in Montreal and I do yearn to be there sometimes, and I suppose this could be explained metaphorically by wanting to find a perfect colourful shoe, that fits. Other times I think that in dreaming wild shoes I am dreaming of different people I could be in waking life. Or rather, personas I could have.

But rather than unravel these things and disinfect my dreams of charm, I will leave them be.

I love your comments about your dreams; please tell me about them (do you also dream of decrepid buildings and wastrel cities?). And R--, who rarely has dreams at all (or remembers them), I wish you a dazzling crop tonight and all other nights you sleep.