July 1, 2007

Good Things Come in Pairs...

In an earlier post I wondered "what is it about Montreal (and my shoe dreams?)". Well I can scarcely believe it, but after a long period of shoe-less dreams, I had another once my head hit the pillow IN MONTREAL this weekend. A real crop of beauties, I saw. As usual, the most beautiful pair (and as you know, beauty in a dream is conveyed not by a visual image but an all-over feeling) were the most plain, though the most fun pairs were the most pink.

The day after I dreamt of these shoes I went for brunch at Byblos, possibly my favourite restaurant, for a Persian meal. The sun was streaming through the giant open windows and I was drinking honeydew melon juice alongside my bowl of cafe au lait. I told K-- that I'd had another shoe dream, and here was the drawing to prove it. Then N--, a friend of K--'s said, "you dream shoes too!?"

I nearly dropped my spoon of cantaloupe/rose jam. It turns out that N-- not only dreams about shoes, but she draws them as well. This makes me giddy! I can't wait to see her drawings. I suppose if she's going to post here, I might as well drop the convention of the dash-dash and tell you that her name is Natalie!

We all wonder if anyone "gets" us. Recently I'd been wondering if my interests in beauty, colour, form, pattern and image were so unpopular. Sometimes it seems as though I'm alone in observing these things while my friends obssess over politics, finance, policy, science, etc. Weighty topics. I think about these things too, but...drily.

Anyway, it's exciting to think that Natalie and I might share a little flag in our individual imaginations, one that signals a vision of a world of beauty, character and free expression. Through shoes and other things.


Anonymous said...

Clare! these are the most beautiful shoe drawings ever !!!!!

I don't dream of shoes., but i have had heart palpitations & sweaty palms from walking into a shoe boo-tique in Vienna where, for the first time in my life, i loved 90% of the shoes... this was no ordinary selection.

I LOOOOOVE them & please if you have a blog update mail list- count me in.

xoxo tasha

Anonymous said...

I'd take shoe dreams over politcal discussions any day.

I'm glad that your shoe dreams are back!