November 23, 2007

Forensic Investigation...

Today is a beautiful, sparkling, wintry day with clear blue skies. It's a perfect day for packing up all my things to move into my new house (which is what I'm doing). As I've been going through all my old and forgotten effects, I've been finding interesting archival material from my past. It's so easy to forget about things and experiences! This drawing--previously languishing in the bottom of a desk drawer--proves that my shoe dreaming mind was active as of January 2005. The note paper it's on is from the journals division of University of Toronto Press, where I worked as a typesetter until December of 2004. Man, was I grumpy when I was working there! This drawing reminds me of my awful pre-dawn daily commute to Downsview station. I remember wanting to write a poem (jokingly) called "Sunrise Over Downsview." Now, even if I wanted to write the poem, I couldn't. The experience of travelling the TTC with other sleepwalking Torontonians is now erased. And I am moving on, into a new environment. Thank goodness for cell regeneration, forgetting and drawings that remind of the enjoyable fragments of grumpy days.

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